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Year 11 Destinations

Saint Gabriel’s College prepares you to leave school with the skills and qualifications you need to succeed in the next stage of your education and training. It is important to choose your post-16 education carefully, so that it reflects your career aspirations and learning preferences.

Our Careers and Transition Officer, Ms Martucci, is available to support students through this process.

The Year 11 graduates of 2023 gained places at the following schools and colleges, where they are studying for a wide range of A levels, BTECs, T-levels and apprenticeships.

SGC Partner Sixth Forms:

Christ The King

La Retraite

Chestnut Grove

SouthBank UTC


Other School Sixth Forms

Burntwood school

The Charter School

City of London Academy

Lillian Bayliss




Other Sixth Form Colleges

Harris Westminster sixth form college – selective

St Francis Xavier

City and Islington College – Sixth Form

Dulwich College (scholarship)


Colleges of Further Education

BIG creative Education

Brit School

Bromley College  

Croydon College

South Bank Colleges

South Thames Colleges

Southwark College

London Screen Academy