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For a subject by subject view of our Big Ideas Curriculum, click here

The curriculum at Saint Gabriel’s College is designed to deliver our mission that ‘we shall all fulfil our unique God given potential.’ It is inclusive, reflecting our values and Christian ethos. Our students have the opportunity to achieve to the best of their academic ability whilst developing strong characters, so they can go on to be fulfilled and successful proactive citizens.

In keeping with our school value of Commitment to Excellence, we provide a rigorous academic subject offer to meet the best interests of all students. This ensures that:

- The maximum number of students take a broad range of academic subjects.

- Students with additional needs are offered a streamlined academic offer, matched to their needs. - There is a high quality transition curriculum at both KS2-3 and KS4-5

At KS4, we offer the following qualifications:

GCSE Maths  GCSE History  Performing Arts BTEC
GCSE Statistics  GCSE Geography  Functional Skills Maths and English 
GCSE English Language GCSE Sociology  GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition
GCSE English Literature GCSE French   Language Leader Award 
GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy GCSE Spanish  Health and Fitness NCFE Level 2 
GCSE Separate Science Biology GCSE Portuguese Craft NCFE Level 1 
GCSE Separate Science Chemistry GCSE Art WJEC Latin Level 1
GCSE Separate Science Physics GCSE Product Design


Please click here to view our KS4 Options booklet for 2022-23

Curriculum Intent

Ethos Statement

Our curriculum is designed to deliver our mission that ‘we shall all fulfil our unique God given potential.’ It is inclusive, reflecting our values and Christian ethos. Our students have the opportunity to achieve to the best of their academic ability with a sound understanding of the ‘big ideas’ of each of their subjects. They develop strong characters, becoming fulfilled and successful proactive citizens.

Main Aims of the SGC Curriculum for 2022-2023


Driver 1 :

Service to others

 Preparedness for the world of work and further study.

  • A detailed careers curriculum embedded in all year groups.
  • A focus on transferable learning skills.
  • High aspirations for achievement encouraged in all students.

 Encouraging student leadership.

  • A peer mentoring scheme to support students who have a poor attitude to learning, whilst developing leadership skills in students who embody commitment to excellence in the classroom.
  • An academic peer mentoring programme.
  • A student council which will enable the student body to have a voice and express their views.
  • A Challenge Ambassadors programme which will stretch and support our most able, whilst enabling them to champion challenge in the classroom for all students.
  • Prefect team

Driver 2:

Generosity of spirit

 Developing strong moral character amongst all students.

  • Collective worship enables students to reflect upon a deeper purpose and meaning in their lives, what it means to be human, and how they live their lives.
  • Delivering the school’s vision and associated values, which are rooted in a Christian tradition, shapes students and helps them
  • SGC provides outreach to the local community, encouraging students to be ambassadors for change through the school’s links to the local parish church, local primary schools, and
    work with London Citizens.
  • Robust pastoral support network seeks to educate the whole child

 A curriculum which inspires students through representing our   diverse community

  • Our multicultural community is reflected through students engaging with relevant cultural events such as Black History Month.
  • Gender and LGBT equality is reflected through PSHCE teaching and engagement with LGBT history month.
  • British Values are taught through PSHCE. Students are taught to challenges extremist opinions and be tolerant of other cultures and beliefs.



Driver 3:

Commitment to excellence

 A rigorous academic subject offer to meet the best interests of   all students.

  • An offer that ensures the maximum number of students take a broad range of academic subjects.
  • Students with additional needs to be offered a streamlined academic offer, matched to their needs.
  • A high quality transition curriculum at both KS2-3 and KS4-5.
  • A ‘big ideas’ curriculum where students can articulate the central concepts of their learning and make links to prior/future learning.

 High expectations of literacy and numeracy.

  • Whole school numeracy and literacy policy.
  • Targeted catch up literacy and numeracy strategies.

 An enrichment provision that is enriching, broad ranging and   provides development experiences for all year groups. 

  • All students to take part in opportunities focused on music, sport, creative activities, leadership development and citizenship.
  • A cultural guarantee for all students.

For more information regarding the curriculum at Saint Gabriel’s College, please contact:           

Mr Toyloco, Assistant Principal: dtoyloco@saintgabrielscollege.org