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School Prayers

School Prayer

Dear Lord,

We thank you for giving each one of us gifts and talents 
with which to serve you.

Give us courage to fulfil the potential you have given us.

Help us also to show generosity of spirit by celebrating each other’s successes,

service to others by helping other people, and commitment to excellence in all that we do.

In Jesus’ name, 

Family dining Prayer

As Jesus gathered his followers round a table for a meal, so our year 7's gather round the table every lunchtime to eat together and serve one another at the table. 

Dear Lord,

Thank you for family and friends
Thank you for times like these
where we can gather together, during family dining
Share in food, drink and thanksgiving.

Please bless this meal and all that helped prepare it.
May the food nourish us, and the fellowship enrich our lives.

May we always remember this time of sharing
and service to others at SGC.
