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Work Experience

At Saint Gabriel’s College, we really value preparing students for the world of work.

Year 10 students will have the exciting opportunity to complete a week of work experience between 30th June 2025 - 4th July 2025.

Work experience placements will give students the chance to explore careers and further develop essential skills and aptitudes needed to succeed in education and the workplace.

Work experience does not necessarily have to link to each student’s career aspirations, as many young people do not know which career path they may take in the future. However, it does provide them with the opportunity to develop vital transferable skills, such as communicating in a formal environment; working alongside a range of professionals; understanding different types of roles; meeting deadlines and responding to direction in an unfamiliar setting.

Work experience: Parental Consent 

To ensure that students can participate, we require parental /carer consent. This form is crucial as it provides us with the necessary permissions and information to facilitate a safe and productive work experience for our students. Without formal parental consent, students  will not be able to go on a placement.

Please find link here to the consent form document to be completed and returned to the school.

Work experience: Placements

All students are encouraged to find their own placements. Students tend to enjoy and get more out of their placement if they find the placement themselves. The most successful way of securing a placement is through contacts with family, friends and work colleagues. A template letter for students to be able to contact potential work experience placements providers can be found here.

If more help is needed in finding placements, appointments can be made with Ms Martucci, our careers leader.

After finding a placement, please complete the Own Findings Form, noting the details of the placement.

The deadline for arranging placements is Friday 23 May 2025. During the work experience week there will be no Year 10 lessons. Those students who have not managed to find a placement by the deadline will be required to attend school and carry out silent work.

How do we support our students with their work experience placements?

  • All Year 10 students will have received a careers and work experience interview with Ms Martucci (Careers and Transition Coordinator)
  • Students engage with assemblies and careers advisories that give advice about how to find placements
  • All students have access to Unifrog - Students can use Unifrog at anytime to search for work experience advice, letter writing, CV writing and any other questions that they may have
  • All students follow the Unifrog Careers Learning journey as a part of their careers curriculum, this is part of their weekly advisory programme. All students also have access to Unifrog to get CEIAG 24 hours a day
  • Students have the opportunity to take part in employability workshops led by external organisations.

For any further information about work experience or careers related enquiries, please contact our Careers and Transition Coordinator, Ms Martucci, on 0207 793 3922 or via email: gmartucci@saintgabrielscollege.org or Ms Fox via email: ncotter@saintgabrielscollege.org