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Pastoral Team

At Saint Gabriel's College we are an understanding and diverse community that are committed to providing outstanding pastoral care for each student, from the time they arrive in year 7 until they leave in year 11.

Pastoral care is at the very centre of all we do and our team of dedicated staff ensures that our students mental, physical and emotional wellbeing is catered for in every way.

Keeping our students safe is a priority at Saint Gabriel's College. If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the school on 020 7793 3901 and you will be forwarded onto the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

Year 7 Pastoral Officer


Ms M Joseph

Pastoral Officer


Telephone: 0207 793  3957

Email: mjoseph@saintgabrielscollege.org

Year 8 Pastoral Officer


Mr J Owusu

Pastoral Officer


Telephone: 0207 793  3935

Email: jowusuboadi@saintgabrielscollege.org

Year 9 Pastoral Officer



Mr D Ojo

Pastoral Officer


Telephone: 0207 793  3937

Email: dojo@saintgabrielscollege.org

Year 10 Pastoral Officer


Ms N Lalsee

Pastoral Officer


Telephone: 0207 793  3938

Email: nlalsee@saintgabrielscollege.org

Year 11 Pastoral Officer


Ms S Morgan

Pastoral Officer


Telephone: 0207 793  3933

Email: smorgan@saintgabrielscollege.org