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Reading Recovery at SGC

At Saint Gabriel’s College we are fully committed to ensuring that our students have a good reading age, so that they have the best opportunity to get the highest outcomes at GCSE. Reading underpins everything we do. 

Please click here for the SGC Reading Recovery Programme.

The SGC Reading Recovery Programme

  • All students take a Star Reader Test 3 times a year in September, February and July. The outcomes of the tests are analysed and then interventions begin. 
  • All students at SGC receive support with their reading through:
  • Read to succeed
  • Literacy 6
  • Students who have a reading age of below 10 years old will receive rapid intervention:

Amber - 9 - 8 years 

Red - 7 years or below

  • Some of the students who need a reading intervention, will also be identified as SEND or EAL and will receive additional support through:
  • Reading interventions run by the SEND team 
  • EAL interventions run by Miss Lopez, which include use of Rapid Plus 
  • XLP phonics - an external charity who come in to work with our students on phonics

Read to Succeed

All students in years 7-10 have a reading book box, which contains copies of the same book. Students also have Vocab books. Every day, in advisory, students read their book. The focus is on:

  • Reading out loud
  • Fluency 
  • Respectful Reading culture
  • Engagement with the text, through for example: Key Words, Predicting, Summarising. 

Literacy 6

Six methods for all teachers to access when they are teaching reading across the curriculum:

  • Skimming
  • Scanning
  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 Key Words 
  • Guided Reading 
  • Reciprocal Reading 
  • Echo Reading 

Rapid intervention

Red group- 30 mins reading per day in groups of 1:2 for 8 weeks. Students are then re-tested at the end of this.

Amber group- 30 mins reading per day in groups of 1:5. Students are then re-tested at the end of this.

In the rapid intervention we use Rapid Plus, which is a reading programme for students with a Reading Age of 9 years or below. This is not a digital programme,  students read books: Rapid Plus | Books for English Language Learners


All students who receive a reading intervention are monitored through the Reading provision map. Progress is measured through the Star Reader Tests, as well as through the outcomes at the school assessment points.