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Saint Gabriel’s College

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Values for living in Britain

“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” (Jeremiah 29:7)

As a diverse school with young people from all over the world, we take seriously our responsibility to educate all our students to become active and responsible citizens in modern, multicultural Britain.  British Values are upheld, promoted and taught across the curriculum, including democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for people of different faiths and beliefs.


Students are taught about democracy from a theoretical perspective in History and PSHCE where they consider the advantages and disadvantages of democracy, and how democracy and the law works in Britain, in contrast to other forms of government in other countries. Students also experience how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes through the student council whose members are voted for by the students.  Our membership of South London Citizens enables students to engage in democracy and politics at local and national level. Students learn to discuss and debate different points of view through the English curriculum, DebateMate club and the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge.




Students are taught the value and reasons behind the rules which we enforce within the school and also the wider laws that exist within society.  Our behaviour systems offer a clear and consistent approach to rules, rewards and sanctions.  We have close links with our Police Liaison Officer who regularly visits the school to speak with students and their parents.





Students are taught that with rights come responsibilities.  The restorative justice behaviour system in the school enables students to take responsibility for their actions and to mend relationships.  We educate our students to make informed choices based on the evaluation of facts. For example, students are taught about the risks of using the internet and how they can keep themselves safe.





Our students learn about respect through our emphasis that everyone is created by God and deserves respect.  Our behaviour policy, including our restorative justice system, PSHCE lessons and Advisory time help students build respectful relationships with others. 





Our inclusive Christian ethos places a strong emphasis on tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and the importance of teaching students about the value of respecting difference and embracing diversity.  All students study Religious Studies to GCSE, which enables them to learn about the major world faiths and reflect on social and moral issues from different faith perspectives.  The vertical Advisory system and PSHCE lessons provide a solid platform for discussions on respect and tolerance, which can be seen in action around the school on a daily basis.